Ready to Wear
100x beaver fur felt premium quality hats, made on site in Soho.
Ready to Wear In-Store Styles

100% Australian wool felt, stiff-brimmed hats
Ryan Ramelow Jaunt Hats
Each hat features i) a vented roan leather sweatband; ii) a 100% satin silk custom liner; and iii) handmade style and band combination

100x Western Weight Beaver Fur Felt Hats
Ryan Ramelow Venture Hats
Each hat features i) a roan leather sweatband; ii) a 100% satin silk custom liner; and iii) custom handmade hat bands
What the fam is saying…
We pride ourselves on maintaining top-tier quality and craftsmanship in each hat we make and providing an exceptional experience to everyone that visits us in Soho, NYC.
Meet the Maker
A native Californian surfer and former real estate professional, Ryan makes each hat by hand in his Soho-based atelier.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please let us know. We are very responsive to inquiries.